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The Curious Case by marjobani
November 23, 2008, 6:15 pm
Filed under: Academy Awards, Upcoming Movies | Tags:

I skimmed Sasha’s writeup, not wanting to spoil too much of the film for myself.  Button’s going to be an interesting animal.  You know all too well that I’m an unabashed Fincher fan, but for much of the year, I couldn’t help thinking that Button could be this year’s Sweeney Todd.  Remember last year, how you were certain that Sweeney would be a big-time Oscar player, and I was going “Wait–I know Tim Burton’s a very well-liked director, but since when have any of his films been big Oscar players?!?”.  Well, we all know how that one turned out, and while Fincher’s movies do generally snag a nomination or so, his name is hardly the guarantor of an Oscar contender.  On top of that, virtually nobody has actually SEEN this movie–Sasha’s review is one of the first I’ve read.  But now that news is trickling out, it looks like you might be right.  Eric Roth is also pretty reliable, and has churned out a couple of my all-time favorites, so I see no reason he can’t do it again.

Still, I’m going to exercise a little caution optimism on this one.  Remember, Sasha always goes batshit-crazy over some movie, guaranteeing us all that it’s a flat-out BP shoo-in.  She did it for “King Kong” in 2005, and “The Dead Girl” (THE DEAD GIRL!) last year.  Let’s let this chicken hatch first.

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