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Guerrilla/The Argentine by Eitan
December 3, 2008, 7:56 pm
Filed under: Upcoming Movies | Tags: ,


Sigh. It looks like we’re all going to have to pay twice to see one movie. Che looks extremely exciting and, if the film is anything like the trailer, certainly gorgeous and well-made. But it’s one film. I don’t care if it’s twice the length of a “typical” Hollywood production. It’s still one film, and the experience shouldn’t be broken up by a) having to wait a week or two or even hang out in the theater for the next Che Part Two showtime and b) another $10 ticket.

I’m of the opinion that Kill Bill really was intended to be two films and that from a narrative perspective, it wasn’t a terrible decision to split up the two parts (even if it did smack of opportunism). This, however, looks like a single experience, and I’d rather sit through a bruising 4+ hours (hey, I did see Lawrence of Arabia in theaters… twice) than have to make two trips to the multiplex.

Also, if they’re going to split it up into two films, they might as well keep the original titles — Guerrilla and The Argentine — instead of the lame Che Part One and Che Part Two